Tumble Forms 2 Tadpole Paediatric Positioner Full Kit
For some children with motor deficiencies, different positioning therapies and exercises can drastically improve motor function and the development of movements. The Tumble Forms 2 Tadpole Paediatric Positioner Kit has been designed specifically for early intervention programmes, and is ideal for infants from birth to age three with cerebral palsy, motor delays or other motor dysfunctions.
What's Included?
This Tumble Forms 2 Tadpole Paediatric Positioner Full Kit is ideal for clinic or home-based use. The kit is latex free and includes the following:
- 1 x Base (860 x 480mm)
- 1 x Half Roll
- 1 x Wedge
- 1 x Tray with Mirror
- 1 x Carrying Bag
Creative Treatments
The versatile design of the Tadpole system allows for a wide range of different treatment options for the therapist. The base can be used with the half roll, wedge and tray with mirror for creative positioning to target many separate areas of the body. These uses include:
- Positioning (side lying, prone, supine or sitting)
- Weight bearing to particular areas (pelvis, arms)
- Vestibular activity
- Postural drainage
Tadpole Positioning
This system offers a wide range of positioning possibilities, each with its own specific benefits and uses. The main positions are as follows:
Prone Positioning
Using the half roll and two lateral supports, therapists can help the child enter a prone position in order to facilitate active body extension, head flexion, chest elevation and forward propping of the hands for midline hand touching. With the use of the mirrored tray, therapists can encourage curiosity, leading to more effective therapy. Additionally, the log roll can be placed under the base for vestibular activities in this position.
Seated Positioning
The base and wedge modules included with this kit can be used together for long leg or log roll sitting, stimulating the child's lateral movement. Either side of the wedge can be used depending on the desired degree of upright or reclined position. In this position, the tray can provide additional support as well as a surface area for activities.
Side-Lying Positioning
To facilitate control of the lateral head and trunk movements, the log roll can be attached to the base for a side-lying position. To stimulate improved respiration, the base can be propped up to position the child more effectively.