Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation
The stainless steel Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation is designed for the stimulation of the meridian, helping to enhance the acupuncture experience for your client. It can also be used at home, helping to massage key points to relieve tension, pain and stress.
What Is the Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation For?
The Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation is designed for use during acupuncture procedures. By rolling the device along your clients skin, you can provide stimulation along the meridian, that can lead to pain and stress relief. It is easy and simple to use, and is perfect for providing additional stimulation before, during and after acupuncture with needles.
How Do I Use the Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation?
You can use the Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation with just one hand, slowly dragging it along the meridian of your client. This is all you have to do, and you can use it before, during and after an acupuncture procedure. It can further stimulate acupuncture points, helping you to identify points faster and improve the experience for your client.
How Safe Is the Dermal Roller?
All of our acupuncture equipment is safe to use. Every single needle, probe and roller has been subjected to stringent quality controls during their manufacture, meaning that they are safe and reliable to use.
Who Can Use the Dermal Roller for Acupuncture Stimulation?
The Dermal Roller is incredibly easy to use. Recommended generally for professional acupuncturists during acupuncture procedures, the device can also be used at home to massage the meridian and stimulate different acupuncture points on the human body.
Key Specifications
- Diameter: 2.5cm
- Product Code: DB507